What Are the Causes of Hair Loss & Low Potassium in Young Women?
Traction Alopecia
Young women who wear their hair pulled back in a ponytail or pigtails, bun or cornrows may experience traction alopecia, which can lead to scarring of the scalp, according to familydoctor.org. If the pulling and tension is stopped before scarring develops, hair will regrow normally; otherwise hair loss will be permanent. Using tight hair rollers may also lead to this type of hair loss. (See Reference 2.)
Lack of Vitamins and Minerals
According to purehealthandbeauty.com, insufficient amounts of vitamins C and E can lead to poor circulation in the scalp, which can result in hair loss and brittle hair. Additionally, a lack of minerals, such as potassium, zinc and iron, may cause scalp tissues to break down and lead to loss of hair. (See Reference 3.)
The Birth Control Pill
According to the American Hair Loss Association, young women who are sensitive to hormonal changes in their bodies may be susceptible to hormone-related hair loss. Because the pill suppresses ovulation with the hormones estrogen and progestin, many women experience hair loss while on the pill or shortly after discontinuing its use. (See Reference 1.)
Bulimia nervosa is an eating disorder in which sufferers binge eat, often consuming 3,000 to 5,000 calories in an hour, and then use drastic measures, such as ingesting laxatives, inducing vomiting or exercising excessively, to eliminate the calories they have eaten. According to eatingdisordersonline.com, purging can lead to dehydration and low electrolyte levels in the body, resulting in an inadequate supply of potassium. (See References 4 & 6.)
Anorexia nervosa is an eating disorder in which sufferers have an extreme fear of gaining weight. Women with anorexia have a distorted body image, and thus, starve themselves or exercise too much to avoid gaining weight. In addition to excessive weight loss, youngwomenshealth.org states that anorexics may experience hair loss and a low potassium level due to dehydration. (See Reference 5.)
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