Menopause & Body Numbness

One of the strangest and sometimes alarming symptoms a menopausal woman can experience is body numbness or tingling, which is caused by a drop in estrogen levels, resulting in collagen in the skin losing its efficacy.
  1. Estrogen/Collagen Connection

    • When estrogen drops, collagen production also drops, and skin becomes drier and thinner and loses its girth, according to


    • Thinning skin becomes more sensitive and pale because the blood flow to the surface of the skin has been reduced. Newly sensitive skin is what causes numbness and a crawling or tingling sensation.


    • Menopause intensifies this condition, called paresthesia, although it can be experienced by anyone at any age.


    • Women can ward off body numbness and tingling by keeping active, which promotes blood flow to the nerves.


    • Eating foods high in essential fatty acids, such as nut and fish, also keeps nerves healthy and may reduce numbness.

    Other Considerations

    • Some women opt to take hormone therapy replacement or to ingest certain herbs that help alleviate the symptoms of menopause, including body numbness.

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