Menopause Rash in Women
During menopause, you may experience itchy skin, medically referred to as pruritis, which can lead to dry, bumpy, red and irritated skin. Additionally, paresthesia, an abnormal skin condition that gives the sensation of numbness or tingling of the skin, can also occur during menopause.
A menopause rash is caused by the severe dry skin that is a result of the shift in hormones that is experienced throughout perimenopause and until menopause is complete. As the production of the hormone estrogen declines, your body's ability to retain moisture decreases---leading to dry, itchy skin and rashes.
Rash Location
While it is common for menopausal women to experience a rash due to severely dry skin on their forehead, nose, back, neck, chest, arms or legs, a menopause rash can appear anywhere there is dry skin on your body.
Personal Care
Use soaps that are non-irritating and free of fragrance to minimize aggravation of a menopause rash. Also, moisturizing with mineral oil or petroleum jelly, especially after showers, can help to reduce dry skin that leads to rash. Lastly, use sunscreen to protect the skin from the drying effects of the sun and avoid smoky atmospheres.
Improve skin health during menopause by adding omega-3 fatty acids to the diet: eat salmon, walnuts, eggs, flaxseed or soy. Also, increase your intake of water and add a supplement of vitamin B daily to increase elasticity and help maintain your skin's moisture.