How Healthy Is Hair Dye for Ladies?
Many scientific studies looking for a connection between hair dyes and cancer did not find a higher risk for women who dye their hair as opposed to women who don't. There are two exceptions: One study found an increased risk of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma among women who used dark hair dye for 20 years or more. Another study found that hairdressers who had frequently applied hair color for five years or more had a three times greater risk of developing breast cancer.
Dark hair dye is more of a cause for concern because it uses an oxidizing agent, which creates new chemicals. Some of these chemicals may be carcinogenic. Lighter hair dye colors have not been linked with increased cancer risk.
The Food and Drug Administration does not regulate cosmetics, including hair coloring agents. The safety of hair coloring products is instead regulated by the Cosmetic Industry Review, a panel that is funded by the industry. Nevertheless, the panel says its review process is "independent" of the industry. Those who have concerns may wish to consult the list of substances that have been banned by the European Union. As of 2007, 135 substances had been banned and 49 more were under consideration. Many of these can still be found in hair dye in the United States.
Pregnancy Considerations
According to Roger W. Harms, a doctor at the Mayo Clinic, dying your hair while you are pregnant is not likely to cause any harm to the baby. Few studies have been done on the effect of using hair dye during pregnancy. Those that have been done have reached conflicting conclusions. Many women do dye their hair throughout their pregnancies.
Reducing Risk
To reduce the risk, if you color your hair yourself, use gloves, apply the color quickly and rinse your scalp thoroughly. Hair colors with organic ingredients are available. But some organic products that say "natural" on the box contain the same questionable synthetic ingredients as traditional hair dyes. Henna is one safe alternative that has been used for thousands of years. But some henna products may also contain synthetic ingredients.