Menopause Medicine for Night Sweats

When a woman goes through perimenopause and reaches full menopause she may be afflicted with night sweats and hot flashes that are the result of extreme hormonal fluctuations. If you feel that you can't ride it out on your own there are treatments available.
  1. Expert Insight

    • The Mayo Clinic notes that estrogen therapy is the most effective treatment for night sweats and hot flashes, as well as vaginal itchiness and dryness. However, there are well-known risks associated with taking hormone therapy.


    • Long-term hormone therapy is no longer recommended by most doctors because it increases the risk of breast cancer and cardiovascular disease. Short-term use may provide you with relief but not endanger you.


    • points out that antidepressants and epilepsy (seizure) medications are sometimes used to relieve night sweats and hot flashes.

    Alternative Route

    • If you would prefer to go the alternative route, recommends that sepia is good for relieving night sweats and hot flashes as is the herb belladonna, which will target the hot flashes that make your face bright red. Valeriana is another herb that is used to treat hot flashes as are pulsatilla and lachesis mutus.

    Your Diet

    • Eating foods that contain phytoestrogens may help relieve your night sweats and hot flashes, according to the National Institutes of Health (NIH.) Phytoestrogens are estrogen-like substances that are found in legumes (soy), herbs, vegetables and cereals.


    • The NIH cautions that you need to tell your doctor if you are going to consume more phytoestrogens either via food or supplements because phytoestrogens can interfere with other medications that you are taking.

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