Joint Aches & Pains During Menopause
Joint aches and pains during menopause can be attributed to changing hormone levels in the body. Estrogen, the hormone released by the ovaries, helps control inflammation, the main cause of pain in the joints. When estrogen levels decrease, the joints receive less of the hormone, and they can become painful.
According to 34 Menopause Symptoms, joint paint, also called arthralgia, affects the majority of women going through menopause. With over 360 joints in the body, this is a significant ailment.
Joint pain related to menopause has several symptoms. They include pain, stiffness, swelling, warmth in the joints and increased pain during exercise.
An unobtrusive treatment method for fighting joint aches is lifestyle changes. Stretching, exercising (not to the point of pain) and eating a healthy diet can boost the immune system and ease the pain. Taking herbs and supplements is also a non-medical way to treat menopausal joint pain. If joint pain persists, however, doctor-recommended treatments, such as hormone-replacement therapy, are also options.
It is important to address joint pains early on to avoid worse health problems, such as arthritis, in the future. A doctor should be consulted about joint pains if they last more than three days, move to other joints or are accompanied by fever or persistent weight loss.