Ten Signs That You Are Getting Into an Abusive Relationship
Increased Arguments
An early sign that you are getting into an abusive relationship is an increase in arguments. In fact, you may perceive that your partner is conjuring up reasons to initiate arguments with you.
Degrading Language
The use of degrading language is another indicator of an abusive relationship. Initially, your partner may be apologetic for using degrading language. However, over time, the use of such language will increase and your partner blames you for causing these eruptions.
Control in Home
Control of your activities within your own home is another sign that you are heading into a potentially abusive relationship. Your partner will start to direct and criticize how you undertake tasks in and around the house.
A sign of an abusive relationship is your partner monitoring your activities, your mail, your phone conversations and your time spent on the Internet.
Restriction on Activities
An indication that you are getting into an abusive relationship is your partner placing restrictions on your activities. For example, if you regularly enjoy a particular hobby or recreational endeavor, your partner starts to schedule conflicting events. Ultimately, your partner prohibits you from these activities.
Limiited Contact with Family and Friends
As an abusive relationship develops, your partner will begin to limit the contact you have with family and friends. At first, your partner will use guilt as a means of limiting your contact, implying that you are not spending enough time with him. Eventually the abuser develops rules strictly limiting your contacts with other people, particularly if he is not around.
A relationship declining towards abuse tends to include belittling. The abuser belittles and minimizes what you do, think and say. Belittling is a tool used to control you and impair your self-esteem.
Another indicator that your relationship is far from healthy and becoming abusive is your partner making increasingly negative comments about your appearance. Moreover, your partner actually will start dictating what you wear, how you do your hair and how you undertake other personal care tasks.
Eventually, anger displayed by your partner goes to a new level. In many relationships that become abusive, your partner starts to exhibit rage. These violent outbursts many times are a precursor to physical violence.
Threats of Physical Violence
Threats of physical violence are an obvious sign of an abusive relationship. Significantly, threats of physical violence are usually a very immediate precursor to actual violence.