Signs & Symptoms of Endometriosis While on Birth Control Pills
Painful Periods
When uterine cells grow outside the uterus, they are called implants. They respond to the body the same way they do inside the uterus. Therefore, when a woman goes through her normal monthly menstruation, the uterine cells outside the uterus try to shed, as well. Since they have nowhere to go, the implants become inflamed causing increased pain to the woman. The pain can begin before menstruation and last several days beyond.
Pelvic Pain
The pain is not limited to menstruation and can occur anytime during the cycle. Pelvic pain is common during ovulation and intercourse. During ovulation, one of the ovaries contracts to release an egg. This contraction is what causes the pain. During intercourse, the movement can inflame and irritate the implants.
Bowel Pain
Because the cells usually grow in the abdominal cavity, it is not unusual to find them on the bowels. Because of their location, they can cause extreme pain during a bowel movement. This is caused by the contractions of the bowels during bowel movements. Some women report more painful bowel movements during menstruation when the implants become inflamed.
Urination Pain
Just like with the bowels, the implants can be found on the bladder. Because of their location, women often experience pain when urinating. This is caused by the contractions of the bladder irritating the implants.
Digestive Problems
Because of the implants on the bowels, a woman cannot only experience pain but also experience diarrhea or constipation. The implants affect the way the bowels normally function.
Lower Back Pain
Those who suffer from lower back pain caused by endometriosis often do not know that it is a result of the disease and assume it is just a strained muscle. In fact, the implants can adhere to ligaments in the back, causing the pain.
It is not uncommon for a woman who has endometriosis to experience bouts of depression. The pain that is associated with the disorder can be overwhelming physically and emotionally, especially when they are taking birth control pills to lessen the symptoms and it is not working. Not being able to relieve the symptoms and knowing that there is no cure can be more than some women can handle.