How to Lower LH & FSH Levels Naturally During Menopause
Things You'll Need
- Your choice of the following supplements in tablet, capsule or tincture form:
- Black cohosh
- Chaste berry (vitex)
- Dong quai
- Ginseng
- Hops
- Licorice
- Vitamin E
- Essential oil of basil or thyme
Control your diet. Minimize spicy or acidic foods. Eat a diet rich in fruits and vegetables, and low in processed foods. Add soy and flaxseed to your diet, both of which have estrogen-like properties that help lower LH and FSH levels in your blood. Cut down on caffeine and alcoholic drinks, and eliminate tobacco products completely.
Reduce your stress levels. Try yoga or tai chi for gentle exercise, or just take a walk each day. Use controlled breathing exercises (inhaling through your nose for a count of four, then exhaling through your mouth for another four) whenever you feel stress—which exacerbates menopause symptoms—coming on.
Try aromatherapy. Carry a few drops of the essential oil of basil or thyme on a cotton ball in a snack-sized plastic bag, and inhale the oil deeply whenever a hot flash hits you. You can also use these essential oils in a warm bath.
Take supplements containing black cohosh, chaste berry, dong quai, ginseng, hops or licorice—these herbs have natural components that work similar to human estrogen, and can work to lower LH and FSH levels. Consult a herbalist or the expert at your health-food store for guidance, and follow directions carefully.