How to Test a Woman's Hormone Levels
Discuss with your doctor why you think you need to have your hormones tested. There are many hormones in your body, and they require different kinds of tests. Your doctor will tell you whether you should have a blood test, urine test or saliva test.
Order a home hormone test kit, if your doctor recommends a saliva test. You can use a sample of your saliva to determine hormone levels. If you are menstruating you should take the test 18 to 21 days after the first day of your period. If you are taking hormones you should test near the end of your hormone-treatment cycle. If you are postmenopausal, you can take the test at any time. The saliva test can measure as many as eight different hormones.
Make an appointment to get your blood drawn, if your doctor tells you to get a blood test. Make sure to ask your doctor if you should fast before having your blood drawn because some tests require that you have no food and no fluids other than water at least eight hours before you are tested.
Find out if you need to bring a urine sample into the doctor's office, if your doctor suggests a urine test, since you also can order a kit or purchase one at a pharmacy and take the test and interpret the results at home. If you use one of the home tests, be certain to follow the instructions carefully. Otherwise the test may not be accurate. Make sure you understand what a "midstream urine sample" is, so you do not contaminate the test sample and interfere with the results.