Dysplasia Due to HPV
What is Cervical Dysplasia?
Cervical dysplasia is a term used for unusual changes to the cervical cells. These cells are considered to be precancerous, meaning they can mutate into cervical cancer if left untreated. Cervical dysplasia is often associated with infection with humanpapilloma virus, or HPV, a sexually transmitted disease that can cause genital warts.
Does HPV Always Cause Cervical Dysplasia?
Although there is a recognized link between HPV and cervical dysplasia, not all dysplasias are caused by HPV.
Is Cervical Dysplasia Cancerous?
Dysplasias are not cancerous, but left unattended, some dysplasias can develop into cancerous cells.
Is There a Cure for Cervical Dysplasia?
Many dysplasias resolve themselves, disappearing over time. Cervical dysplasias that are not resolved can be removed or destroyed, using cryocauterization, laser removal, and other therapies.
Can Cervical Dysplasia Due to HPV be Prevented?
Abstaining from sexual activity with partners known to be infected with HPV is the only way to prevent cervical dysplasia. The HPV vaccine, Gardasil, is effective at preventing some of the strains of HPV, and therefore offers some protection against cervical dysplasia. The vaccine is recommended for females aged 9-26 who have no previous history of HPV.