How to Tell When Yeast Infections Are Gone
Causes, Treatments and Cures
Recognizing the cause is the first step in getting rid of a yeast infection. Bacteria and a very small number of yeast cells are present in a healthy vagina. The bacteria is what helps to keep organisms like yeast under control. Sometimes a change will shift the balance, which causes the yeast to grow too much. This can be caused by a variety of things such as antibiotics, hormone replacement therapy or even pregnancy. Some health issues such as diabetes can also contribute to an overabundance of yeast.
Finding a treatment that works for you is the next step in treating a yeast infection. Most of the time these infections can be treated at home with products such as anti-fungal cream or vaginal suppositories. These can be purchased at most supermarkets in the health department or at pharmacies. If you experience recurring yeast infections you should consult a physician before taking any medication, as there may be a health condition such as diabetes that might be causing the infections. Yeast infections can often be prevented by simple steps such as avoiding products like douches, scented feminine sprays and scented tampons and changing out of wet clothing such as swimsuits right away. Staying away from tight-fitting pants and underwear can also help.
Recognizing the symptoms is the most important way to tell when a yeast infection is gone. The infection will usually cause very specific symptoms such as itching and soreness in the vaginal area, sometimes accompanied by a thick white odorless discharge that resembles cottage cheese. It may also cause burning with urination. It is quite simple to tell when the infection is gone as these symptoms will subside anywhere from 24 hours to 7 days, depending on the treatment used. If symptoms do not improve after treatment it is important to contact a physician as it may be a more serious condition.