Causes & Home Remedies for Hair Loss in Women
Women undergoing menopause have an increased risk of developing androgenetic alopecia, or female pattern baldness. This is due to the dramatic shift in hormones that occurs during this time and is responsible for general thinning of the hair on the entire head. Additional causes for female hair loss are skin diseases, iron deficiency, vitamin deficiency, hormonal problems, underactive thyroid, over-styled hair, medically induced hair loss, genetics, crash dieting, childbirth, drug abuse and psychologically stressful events.
Hair loss can be combated by eating a healthy diet filled with organic, protein-rich foods. Fresh fruits and vegetables as well as foods high in omega-3 fatty acids can help to rejuvenate hair growth. Carbohydrates and refined sugars should be limited and trans fats should be avoided completely. Women suffering from hair loss or thinning should ideally eat five times per day, or approximately every two hours, and include a protein and vegetable or fruit at each meal. Limit alcohol consumption and drink 6 to 10 glass of water or herbal tea daily. Also, take a multivitamin each day that includes the hair healthy vitamins B, C and E.
Additionally, herbal supplements can be helpful in the fight against hair loss. Eating 3 to 9 g of dried psoraela seeds or taking daily powdered supplements can help to restore hair that has been lost. Psoraela seeds and supplements can be found at Asian markets or herbal stores.
Topical Treatments
Create a daily shampoo that can help to balance the pH level of the scalp and promote hair growth by combining a small amount of aloe vera gel with wheat germ oil and coconut milk. Or wash the hair with baby shampoo and apply a topical treatment of rosemary warmed in water and added to a few drops of wheat germ oil. Leave this mixture on for approximately 1 minute before rinsing thoroughly with lukewarm water. Applying a mixture of honey and egg yolk to the scalp for 30 minutes can also help to stimulate hair growth.
Maintenance Tips
Women who have thinning hair or hair loss should brush their hair as little as possible in order to avoid breakage that can occur. Also, avoid pulling the hair back tightly into a pony tail or bun or teasing the hair as this can weaken it. Lastly, massage the scalp for 10 to 15 minutes each day, until the head begins to feel hot. This will increase circulation to prevent additional hair loss and help in the re-growth of new hair.