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What Day Do Women Ovulate In Their Cycle?
What Is Ovulation?
During ovulation, an egg is released from the ovary. It will travel down the fallopian tube and make its way into the uterus.
When Does it Occur?
Ovulation takes place mid-cycle for most women. In a normal 28-day cycle, ovulation takes place between day 14 and day 16.
How Long Does it Last?
The process of ovulation lasts about 72 hours. The egg released in this process lasts about 12 to 24 hours before it begins break down in the menstruation process.
If you have an abnormal menstrual cycle, or if you have a medical condition that causes your menstrual cycle to be longer or shorter than normal, you may ovulate at different times each month.
Ovulation can happen even if you do not menstruate. During ovulation, some women experience slight bleeding and cramping.