How to Prevent Hairloss During Menopause
Things You'll Need
- Essential Oils
- Propecia
Why It Happens and How to Fight It
Determine if you have a thyroid disorder. This condition is apt to crop up when you are in menopause. An overly active or under active thyroid can contribute to hair loss, according to If you think this might be your problem, consult with your physician. Thyroid medication is available. However, some women have reported hair loss while taking thyroid medication.
Modify your diet. Incorporate hair-building ingredients into your diet including animal fats, cheese, fish, vitamin C, vitamin B complex, which is found in lightly cooked or raw animal products. The "master vitamins" A, K, E and D can be obtained from eating beef liver, egg yolks, nuts, cod liver coil, caviar and oily fish. These vitamins are essential to your hair's health.
Increase the amount of Omega-9 essential fatty acids in your diet. These are found in flax seeds, walnuts, meats from animals that were grass fed and deep-water fish, will improve your hair quality and help keep your hair on your head. Also make sure that you are getting adequate amounts of biotin and zinc in your diet. Taking a daily supplement is a wise decision.
Ask your doctor about Propecia. This product is generally used by men, but it can be effective in treating hair loss in women. This product inhibits male pattern baldness and appears to do the same for female pattern baldness.
Determine if you have an iron deficiency. According to, lack of iron can result in hair loss. Try the herb yellow dock to increase the iron in your body. Other suggestions for preventing hair loss include rinsing your hair with lemon grass infusion or lemon balm.
Consider making a hair tonic out of burdock seed oil. Apply it to your hair, leave it on overnight, and then wash it out in the morning.
Use jojoba oil or olive oil on your hair. Apply it to your hair, leave it on overnight and then wash in the morning.
Exercise regularly throughout menopause. This is vitally important to your hair.
Massage your scalp. This may help stimulate hair growth. Think about putting essential oils such as sage oil, carrot seed oil, thyme oil, lavender oil and lemon oil on your hair. Mix 10 or 20 drops of one of these essential oils with olive or jojoba oil and rub it into your hair. Leave on overnight and then wash it out. Chamomile, cypress, rose, yarrow, calendula and birch essential oils also reportedly reduce hair loss.