Why Do I Get Cold or Flu Symptoms During Menstruation?
Women commonly feel nauseous during their periods. This can occur because of the sudden changes in hormones. Sometimes nausea is caused from severe cramps.
Diarrhea during your period is heavily linked to cramps. The uterus begins contracting during the first couple days of menstruation. Sometimes prostaglandins, the hormones that cause these contractions, can also affect your intestines.
If you suffer from heavy periods, you might be losing more iron than you realize. You will find yourself sleeping longer and feel exhausted because you have an iron deficiency, also called anemia.
Headaches, Sore Throat and Sinus Problems
Some flu-like symptoms such as headache and sore throat are caused by premenstrual syndrome (PMS). This can present itself differently in each woman, but it is all caused by the same thing: hormone changes and water retention.
Weakened Immune System
Consider that you might really be sick. Perhaps your response to PMS symptoms is weakening your immune system. For instance, if you find yourself craving more junk food than normal, you will become susceptible to illness.