How to Reduce Joint Pain During Ovulation
Things You'll Need
- Vitamin B6
- Essential oils (rosemary, lavender, peppermint, clove)
- Cold-pressed vegetable oil
Add Vitamin B6 and follow some helpful dietary guidelines. Though the cause of your pain could be from a variety of sources, Marilyn Shannon, author of "Fertility, Cycles and Nutrition," states that many problems associated with a woman's fertility cycle can be helped through proper nutrition and supplementation. She says that an inadequate luteal phase---the time between ovulation and a woman's next menstrual period---often can lead to other issues, too. Vitamin B6 can help to regulate your luteal phase. Take no more than 500 mg of Vitamin B6 daily. In addition, limit your consumption of refined sugar to only five tablespoons a day, salt to three grams a day, red meat to three ounces a day and limit your intake of coffee, tea and chocolate. Instead of red meats and dairy, rely more on whole grains, legumes, fish and poultry as sources of protein. Though Shannon says that this diet works well to alleviate PMS symptoms, it can also help with general fertility cycle symptoms.
Move more. The "Doctors' Book of Home Remedies for Women," says that the best way to relieve joint pain is to exercise more. It's OK to start slowly, with maybe a five minute walk here or there; however, it's important to set a goal for twenty minutes, three times a week. Even though you're experiencing pain during ovulation, make sure to stick with your exercise routine. You might also find relief from exercising in a warm water pool at your local recreation center. If you can't find one, soak in a hot tub to give you some relief.
Use aromatherapy and massage to help relieve troublesome joint pain during ovulation. Valerie Ann Worwood, author of "The Complete Book of Essential Oils and Aromatherapy," recommends adding two drops of rosemary, one drop of lavender, one drop of peppermint and one drop of clove to one teaspoon of cold-pressed vegetable oil, such as olive or almond oil. Massage this concoction into the affected area as needed. If you don't have all of these oils on hand, lavender by itself would have a calming and anti-inflammatory effect as well.