Over the Counter Menopause Treatment

There are many over-the-counter treatments for symptoms of menopause. These options include natural estrogens and herbal supplements. Products available without a prescription might offer relief for mild symptoms but probably will not work for severe symptoms.
  1. Cautions

    • Before choosing over-the-counter menopause treatments, keep in mind that these products are not FDA-regulated. Dietary supplements often are not well-studied for effectiveness or purity. Also, talk to your doctor before starting any treatment, because some herbs and supplements can interact with medication you might already be taking.


    • You might want to consider over-the-counter supplements for relief of menopause symptoms without the side effects of prescription medication. Some women report relief from symptoms such as hot flashes and irritability using herbal supplements.


    • Phytoestrogenic herbs, such as black cohosh, contain estrogenic components that occur naturally in plants. Non-estrogenic herbs, such as macafem, stimulate a woman's own hormone production.

    Other Choices

    • Some women report that DHEA supplements boost energy and mood. St. John's wort might provide relief for mild to moderate depression. Valerian helps some women with menopause-related sleep problems.


    • Symptoms of menopause vary from one woman to the next, and so does response to treatment. What works for one woman might not work for another.

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