How to Get Rid of Extra Skin
Things You'll Need
- Exercise
- Water
- Moisturizer
The first thing you should do to get rid of extra skin is exercise. Since most extra skin is a result of muscle tone lose rebuilding the muscle tone will greatly reduce the amount of visible extra skin you have on your body. This will take time but will make a great improvement in the amount of extra skin on your body. You should start this right away even if you are still in the process of loosing the extra pounds.
Next make sure you are eating the right foods to get rid of extra skin. When you are dieting it is very important you make sure you are eating the right foods with the right nutrients. It is good to loose weight but you should never compromise your health for a thinner appearance. It's better to loose fat the right way over a longer period of time. You will feel better and will have a better chance of keeping the weight off.
Finally you should make sure your allowing your body to be properly hydrated to get rid of extra skin. Drink plenty of water to help keep you muscles toned and in shape to help prevent extra skin. Well hydrated skin will be much easier to tone than skin that is dry and weak. You should also exfoliate your skin to keep the dead cells from building up, and allow it to naturally tighten easier. Warm bathes will help open your skins pores which will also help tone extra skin.
As an added help for extra skin you should make sure you use moisturizer with Aloe Vera. These types of moisturizers will help restore the elasticity of your skin to increase the muscle tone.
Cosmetic surgery should be a final option and only as a last resort since there are many possible side affects and nothing is better than a naturally healthy body. Getting rid of extra skin will not be a quick process, remember it took time to get in that shape it will take time to get to your next shape also!