Caprylic Acid for Yeast Infections

The systemic name of Caprylic acid is octanoic acid. The chemical structure of this saturated fatty acid is made up of eight carbon atoms. It naturally occurs in the milk of cows, palm oil, coconut oil and humans. Since it has antifungal properties, Caprylic acid is often used for the treatment of yeast infections.
  1. Action

    • Caprylic acid aids in the dissolution of the membranes of yeast cells that are responsible for causing problems like vaginal yeast infections and candidiasis. It does not allow the yeast to duplicate, which inhabits its growth.


    • Caprylic acid is available in different forms such as tablet, capsule and liquid. The recommended dose for a patient suffering from yeast infection is 1,000 mg per day.

    Treatment Duration

    • The duration of the dosage depends upon the severity and the extent of the infection. Generally, the treatment lasts for about two weeks.


    • Caprylic acid acts within hours of ingestion. Most times a patient may begin to feel worse and experience nausea and headache because the body is trying to eliminate the yeast cells. However, within a couple of days, the energy levels improve.

    Side Effects

    • The side effects of Caprylic Acid treatment include constipation, heart burn, indigestion, bloating and even vomiting and diarrhea.


    • Caprylic acid is not recommended for pregnant women or children. It is also contraindicated for people who have kidney stones.

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