What Does a Pap Test Check For?
How Is a Pap Test Performed?
A Pap test is a test of cervical cells, gathered during a pelvic exam, which is performed by a health care professional such as a doctor, nurse-midwife or nurse-practitioner.
What Does a Pap Test Check For?
A Pap test checks for abnormalities in the cells of the cervix and is intended to detect the presence of cells that are associated with cervical cancer.
What Other Conditions Does a Pap Test Detect?
A Pap test can detect infections such as yeast infections, bacterial infections or sexually transmitted infections, such as the human papilloma virus (HPV), which has been linked to cervical cancer.
Who Should Have a Pap Test?
Women who are sexually active or who have a personal or family history of cervical cancer should have Pap smears yearly or as recommended by a health care provider.
Is the Pap Test Reliable?
Although no test is always reliable, a Pap test is the best way to detect abnormal cells that may lead to cervical cancer, allowing for treatment before the cells progress to the cancerous stage.