How to Treat Trich Naturally
Complete Daily 4-part Regimen
Take these vitamins and supplements daily:
Acidophilus, 10 mg, 1 tablet 30 minutes before meals to restore intestinal flora.
Omega-3, follow label directions to protect GI tract.
Garlic (Kyolic), 2 capsules 3 times daily, with meals for antiparasitic properties.
Vitamin B-Complex, 3 times daily with meals to prevent parasitic anemia.
Vitamin C, 3,000 mg daily in divided doses to enhance immune function.
Zinc, 50-100 mg daily to promote healing. -
Take these herbs daily:
Aloe Vera juice, twice daily to reduce inflammation.
Black Walnut, 3 times daily on empty stomach to destroy worms.
Grapefruit Seed extract, 10 drops to 2 qts. of water to remove parasites.
Pumpkin extract, as directed to expel worms.
Pinkroot, as directed, expels roundworms primarily. -
Dietary changes:
Eat pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds and figs three times daily on an empty stomach.
Eat mainly a high-fiber diet primarily of raw vegetables and whole grains.
Drink only filtered or distilled water.
Eliminate all sugar, fruits (except figs) and pork products.
Eat pineapple for the parasite destructive powers of bromelein. -
Hygiene changes:
Wash hands frequently.
Wash underwear, bed linens and towels after each use in very hot bleach water.
Avoid scratching or touching the anal area.
Avoid close or intimate body contact at this time.