How to Tell If You Are Getting Ready to Start Your Period
Things You'll Need
- Calendar
Note the changes in your body. If you are anxious to know if your first period is about to start, look to your body for the answer. Have you started growing breasts? Are your hips beginning to get wider than your waist? Is there hair in the pubic area or under your arms? Have you noticed changes in your skin, such as acne or extra production of oil? If any of these changes have started to happen, your first period may be just around the corner.
Think about the signs your body is giving you, if you have already started menstruating. Are you bloated right before your period? Do you experience mood swings before you start your period? Does your vaginal discharge shift from clear to dark brown? Do you experience cramping or lower back pain before you start bleeding? Any of these signs or symptoms could indicate that you are about to start your next period.
Note on your calendar the day you start your period. That is Day 1. Most periods average a 28-day cycle, although this varies from woman to woman. Count 28 days from your start date. This should be the start date or close to the start date of your next period. Begin to chart your periods every month and you should notice a pattern. Your period's cycle may be anywhere from 24 to 35 days but once you begin to chart it, you will be able to more accurately predict the next month's start date.
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