How to Avoid Hot Flashes Due to Menopause
Keep track of when hot flashes hit. Observe whether there is a pattern indicating a trigger, such as being in a hot environment, eating spicy foods or experiencing strong emotions. Avoid situations that may trigger a hot flash.
Get regular exercise, but avoid exercising close to bedtime. Reduce stress through relaxation and deep-breathing techniques, massage or meditation.
Dress in layers that can be removed if you get too warm. Carry a personal fan. Turn down the thermostat at home and at work if possible. Avoid artificially heated situations such as hair dryers or electric hand dryers in public restrooms.
Stop smoking. Avoid breathing secondhand smoke.
Make an appointment with your health-care provider if your hot flashes become more than a nuisance. Discuss the benefits and risks of prescription drugs or hormone therapy that might alleviate hot flashes.