What Does Scarlet Colored Spotting in Between Periods Mean?
Spotting in between periods is your body's way of telling you that something is not right. It could be very light, merely showing up on toilet tissue after wiping, or it could be heavy, soaking a pad.
Time Frame
If the spotting occurs during the middle of your cycle, it could be from fluctuations in hormone levels. If it occurs immediately after sexual intercourse, it could be caused by that as well.
Spotting could be a sign of a more serious condition, such as: ectopic pregnancy, pelvic inflammatory disease or an sexually transmitted disease. Other, more rare causes include cysts, trauma or vaginal cancer.
Contact your doctor if spotting in between periods is abnormal for you. Note any other changes in your body or lifestyle and make sure to inform the doctor or nurse of those when you call.
Do not worry too much about mid-cycle spotting. If it is light and only occurs once, it is more than likely the cause of hormone fluctuations and not a sign of something more. But recurring bleeding that is equivalent to a period is a sign something could be wrong. Contact your doctor immediately.