Menopause & Thickening of Uterine Walls
What Is It Called?
The thickening of the uterine walls is called endometrial hyperplasia. Hyperplasia is not something all women experience in menopause, but certain women will experience it.
What Causes It?
Endometrial hyperplasia is caused by a presence of excessive cells in the lining of the uterus. According to, women who are in menopause are most likely to experience endometrial hyperplasia, due to the hormonal imbalances experienced in menopause.These hormonal imbalances cause the lining to overgrow, thus resulting in hyperplasia.
Often times women do not have any symptoms that would alert them to having hyperplasia, although the one common sign is abnormal bleeding. For this reason many women overlook this condition thinking it is a normal symptom of menopause. This bleeding may be light, heavy or spotty.
In order to receive a proper diagnosis, you must visit your gynecologist regularly. This is not something you can self-diagnose. Your physician will perform a blood test that will be used to check your hormone levels and an ultrasound which will give him a look into your uterus.
If your hyperplasia is due to the use of hormone-replacement therapy, your physician may request that you come off of it in order to allow your hormones to return to the state they were in previously. You may also be administered progesterone.