HRT Patch Side Effects
HRT patch
An HRT patch, also called transdermal therapy, is worn continuously and applied to the upper buttocks, back or thigh area. The patch is replaced once or twice a week. It delivers hormones through the skin into the bloodstream. The dose is normally lower than with a pill since the hormones do not have to enter the stomach to reach the bloodstream.
The patch should be applied to dry skin, and powder or lotions should not be applied to the location where the patch will be placed because they may create a barrier for hormones to be released into the body.
Side effects
The HRT patch carries with it side effects such as skin irritation where the patch is applied, nausea, bloating, breast soreness, headaches and moodiness. Other side effects include irregular bleeding. Side effects may subside after six to eight weeks.
The hormone replacement therapy patch carries with it health risks that include a higher risk of breast and uterine cancer. High doses of estrogen in the HRT patch carry a risk for blood clots and cardiovascular disease. Other health risks associated with high estrogen levels include the formation of gallstones and an increased risk of stroke.
Benefits from using the HRT patch include a reduction in hot flashes and night sweats, an increase in vaginal lubrication, better moods and concentration. Other benefits include a reduction in sleep problems and less anxiety. HRT may also prevent osteoporosis, according to the National Institutes of Health.
Hormone replacement therapy with the patch is convenient and offers relief from menopausal symptoms. Side effects and risks of hormone replacement should also be considered. Your doctor will examine your medical history and discuss if using the HRT patch would be beneficial for you.