Options for Pregnant Teens
Unless your parents are seriously abusive, you should tell them immediately. Most likely, whatever you fear they will say is many times worse in your head than what they actually do say. While your parents might be disappointed and even yell a little, ultimately they love you and support you. They have already been through at least one pregnancy in their life (when your mom had you) and can be a valuable source of help to you. You should also talk to the young man who assisted you in getting pregnant. He is the father, and he might have some idea about what he wants to do, as will his family. Open communication is the key for getting through this. Remember, however, that this is not something that anyone else can take care of. This is ultimately your body and you (with the help of the father) will need to understand what needs to be done.
Keeping the Child
There are several decisions you can make once you become pregnant. Many teens have had children, raised them and have had successful lives and careers. If you decide to keep the baby, know that your life isn't "over," but it will have to drastically change. A good environment for you to raise a baby in is one where you can get help and support. This child will change everyone's lives, but if you have the support system in place, you can still finish high school and go to college with a child.
Another option you have is putting the baby up for adoption. If you know there is absolutely no way you can raise a child and you don't want to have an abortion, giving the baby up for adoption is the way to go. There are thousands of couples who cannot have children of their own and are waiting for a baby to adopt. Adoption gives your child the chance for a good future, especially if you know you are unprepared at this point in your life for children. Adoption is acceptable and a mature decision to make.
Finally, you can choose to have an abortion if you don't want the baby or the pregnancy. Even though there might be a stigma with this choice, remember that this is a perfectly viable option and you are the one who will be going through the procedure. If you decide to have an abortion, there are several things you need to know. Some states do not allow minors to have an abortion without parental consent, so you might need to have your parents involved. Also, an abortion should happen as soon as possible to lessen the chances of any damage to your body. Finally, there will most likely be a 24-hour waiting period after a counselor talks to you about other options you have.