What Causes Menopause Sweats?
Hormones Become Imbalanced
Night sweats are especially prevalent during peri-menopause, the time leading up to menopause, because of the dramatic rise and fall in estrogen levels.
Loss of Estrogen
Less estrogen being produced by the ovaries causes vasomotor instability, which prompts the skin's blood vessels to abruptly dilate; the result is night sweating or a hot flash, notes the Mayo Clinic.
The Brain Is Tricked
An imbalance in hormones can trick the brain's heat regulatory system into thinking that the body needs to disperse heat. When the brain sends out this message, your heart rate increases, your blood vessels will dilate and your sweat glands open, and you will sweat a lot.
HRT May Be the Culprit
Night sweats can also be caused by hormone replacement therapy (HRT), according to the Mayo Clinic, as well as by antidepressants and other drugs that you may be taking. Certain medical conditions can cause sweating.
Avoid Certain Foods and Drinks
Hot spicy foods, alcohol, sugar, and caffeine can produce hot flashes so avoid these if you are already experiencing night sweats and hot flashes during the day.