Help for Getting Pregnant After 40
Fertility Problems
The American Society for Reproductive Medicine says that approximately two-thirds of women who try conceive after the age of 40 will have fertility problems. If you are trying to conceive and are still having trouble after several months, you may want to set up an appointment with a fertility specialist. They can determine precisely what the problem is, and help you decide what course of action to take next.
Increasing Your Odds
There are some things you can do in order to increase your chances of getting pregnant and having a healthy pregnancy. You should begin taking folic acid right away; it is available on its own in pill form, or you can begin taking prenatal vitamins. Keep your alcohol consumption at bay, and if you smoke or do drugs now is the time to stop. It is also a good time to cut down on your caffeine consumption. Take good care of your body by eating healthy and exercising regularly; it will be easier to conceive if you are at a healthy weight. Start making some appointments--visit your dentist and set up a meeting with your doctor.
You will need to determine when you are most fertile by tracking your cycle and figuring out when you ovulate. There are also fertility monitors and ovulation predictors available over the counter. Have intercourse when you are most fertile, as that will greatly increase your chances of getting pregnant.
Get any medical conditions you have under control, and remember that stressing about the situation will not help you conceive. Work with your doctor to make sure you are at your optimal health for becoming pregnant, and do not forget that your man should also be taking care of himself and getting himself checked out, as well.