Options for Women With Irregular Periods
Birth Control
Birth control methods now come in a variety of options instead of the daily pill. Women may choose from pills patches placed on an inconspicuous location on your body to monthly vaginal insertions or a hormone shot that lasts up to three months. It is important for a woman to understand all of the potential side effects and dangers of her selected method and to also pay close attention to her body the first few months of use. The various forms of birth control use different mixes of hormones and the mixture will have varying side effects, depending on each individual. Potential side effects include headaches, breakthrough bleeding or decreased libido.
Natural Herbs
If you do not want to use hormonal birth control methods or were not able to find a method that did not give you painful or uncomfortable side effects, try herbs. Herbs are a natural option that may help your cycle. A variety of herbs such as jatamansi, parsley, blue cohosh, ginger and skullcap tend to have a positive effect on maintaining a regular menstrual cycle without the side effects from hormonal birth control options. Each herb is taken at a regulated point each month in a specific dosage amount, depending on the severity of your symptoms. It is a good idea to visit a store that specializes in herbs and natural products to discuss uses of such herbs before self-prescribing a routine.
Do Nothing
If you have been examined by your doctor and they found nothing abnormal or troublesome regarding your reproductive system, you have an option to just wait it out to see if your body eventually regulates itself. If you are not trying to get pregnant, this is the option with zero side effects. However, there are things you can do to try and help your body along, like cutting back on caffeine or finding an outlet to any recurring emotional stress you may be suffering from.
However, if your period continues to be abnormal well into your 20s, another visit to your doctor for testing for a hormonal imbalance or the possible development of cysts on your ovaries should be considered.