Ways to Lose Weight in Your Inner Thigh
There is an imaginary line drawn directly down from the top of the head down to the bottom of the torso. This is known as the central line. A concentric contraction involves moving the knees toward this imaginary line in the body. This is known as the positive motion. The releasing or eccentric contraction moves away from the central line of the body and is commonly known as the negative motion.
Floor exercises are relatively easy to perform, require little investment, and are quite effective. One simple way to perform an adduction exercise is with a small inflatable ball known as a stability ball. Lay on the floor in supine position, or face up, and draw the feet in close to the groin area with the knees pointing to the ceiling. Place the stability ball in between the knees. Slowly squeeze the legs together to create the adduction or positive movement. The ball generates the opposing force and this is controlled with the volume of air contained within the ball. Inflating the ball creates resistance and deflating the ball decreases force. Finding the proper volume of air in the ball is important to allow for range of motion.
The count of the concentric contraction and eccentric contraction should be an equal measure. Moving the knees together on a two count should be followed with the eccentric contraction or the release of the knees with a two count. Often a large percentage of this exercise is lost by releasing the contraction too quickly.
A repetition involves repeating a movement a certain number of times in one set. High repetitions in the range of 10 to 16 repetitions yields fat burning factors. Although high repetitions burn fat, there is a limiting factor to be aware of. Once a burning sensation occurs in the muscle, lactic acid is being produced and the exercise is becoming anaerobic, burning less fat and using carbohydrates as its primary source of fuel. To receive the best results for toning and losing weight in the inner thigh, stop the exercise until the burn subsides and then immediately repeat with another set. Large muscles such as the inner thigh can handle as many as twelve sets at one workout. Over training may occur with any muscle and proper rest is necessary. A recuperation period of at least twenty four hours needs to take place before the routine can be repeated.
It is important to vary any routine with different types of exercise for the inner thigh. The body quickly acclimates to a repeated pattern and a "result plateau" can be reached. This breech in progress is due to repeatedly carrying out the same exercises over a long period of time without making changes in the routine. Exercises should be changed at least every two to three weeks to maintain continuous progress. Mix up the pattern with different exercises keep the inner thigh muscles confused and constantly produces positive results.
Proper eating habits are congruent with weight loss no matter what area is targeted for toning. Eating healthy foods and the proper amounts coincides with losing weight on the inner thigh areas.