Natural Help for PMS
Consult a medical professional familiar with vitamin and mineral therapies to help create a program that targets specific PMS symptoms. Eliminate junk food and stimulants to improve overall health. Replace vegetable oil with coconut oil or eliminate it entirely. Commercial vegetable oils interfere with hormone production.
Include foods rich in Vitamin D, B complex, E, calcium and magnesium in your diet. These include spinach, almonds, eggs, poultry and peanuts, to name a few. Take a daily multivitamin to ensure all nutrients are received regularly. Vitamin A is also shown to help with PMS symptoms but should be taken in a natural form such as egg yolks as it can be toxic in a synthetic form.
Add soy in the form of tofu, soy milk or a soy drink to mitigate symptoms. Eat at least 30 g of fiber each day to lower the estrogen level in your blood. Estrogen may not be properly processed by the colon and be reabsorbed back into the bloodstream, increasing the symptoms of PMS.
Limit salt intake and use spices such as parsley, paprika or cayenne instead. Monitor how these changes affect your symptoms as it may take some experimentation to find an effective solution.
Herbal Remedies
Chamomile and dandelion tea will help reduce bloating. Chamomile, lavender or peppermint tea can stabilize mood swings and relieve depression. Pulsatilla can be taken to reduce mood swings that are marked by weepiness. Ginger is an anti-inflammatory that can help with cramps. Fennel and sarsaparilla can be taken for headaches.
Some natural vitamin pills are available with additional magnesium and B6 to take during the cycle. When reducing fat in the diet the addition of evening primrose oil can ensure enough of the essential fatty acids the body requires are taken. This improves overall health and increases energy levels.
Regular exercise helps stabilize hormone levels while relieving stress. Consult a physician before beginning any self-treatments to eliminate any underlying causes such as endometriosis or food allergies. Keep trying, as the first change may not be effective. PMS is a complex process and it may require several attempts before a workable solution is found.