How to Treat Severe Yeast Infections
Things You'll Need
- Over the counter anti-fungal treatment
- Fluconazole, if prescribed by your doctor
Contact your physician for a proper diagnosis. Discuss your symptoms. You physician may ask you to come into the office for a physical examination because symptoms of a severe yeast infection are similar to those of certain sexually transmitted diseases such as chlamydia or gonorrhea. It is important to diagnose the correct condition so you can get the proper treatment
Follow your doctor's advice regarding treatment. In most cases, this will involve an over the counter oral or topical anti-fungal medication that should be used as directed. In more severe cases, your doctor may prescribe fluconazole, which is taken orally in a single dose.
Refrain from douching and taking very hot baths in order to prevent reinfection. Keep your vaginal area dry. Avoid scented feminine care products, including feminine hygiene sprays, scented napkins and tampons, and bubble bath products. Wear panties made of breathable, natural fibers such as cotton; avoid synthetic materials that can hold moisture against your vagina.
Contact any sexual partners and have them check for possible signs of yeast infection. Although yeast infections are not considered to be a sexually transmitted disease, it is possible to pass such an infection on through sexual contact.
Be aware of the symptoms of a severe yeast infection, which may include any combination of severe itching, burning, rash, redness and swelling around the vagina, painful urination, pain during intercourse or a thick, white discharge from the vagina. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services estimates that 5 percent of all women will have repeat yeast infections four or more times each year, so if you are experiencing repeat infections, talk with your doctor about long term anti-fungal treatment.