How to Control Erratic Emotions During Menopause
Exercise regularly. Aim for 30 minutes of activity at least three days a week. Exercise relieves stress and promotes relaxation. A combination of aerobic activity, like running, swimming or walking, with strength training is best. Talk to your doctor about an appropriate regimen.
Get at least seven to eight hours of sleep a night. Being well rested promotes general well-being and benefits emotional health. Try to exercise earlier in the day and avoid caffeine, at least at night if you cannot give it up completely.
Experiment with different relaxation and stress-reduction methods. This includes meditation, deep breathing, yoga, tai chi, positive visualization, and hypnosis. Find the methods that work best for you and commit to them regularly. These activities encourage balance and will help keep erratic mood changes in check.
Supplement with natural vitamins and herbs. Alternative medicine expert Andrew Weil, M.D., says B-vitamins play an important role in regulating stress and can contribute to improved emotional health. He also recommends black cohosh, dong quai and flaxseed to address hormonal imbalances, which contribute to emotional symptoms. Talk to your doctor about natural supplements to determine if they are appropriate for you and to receive guidance on proper dosages.
Try acupuncture. The University of Maryland Medical Center reviewed studies and found it was effective for relieving mood changes in some women. Always work with a licensed practitioner when using this treatment modality.
Discuss with your doctor if you find self-care measures are not alleviating your emotional symptoms or you find they are significantly interfering with everyday living. Additional therapy and/or medications may be necessary. Your doctor can help you decide the best course of action.