How to Cool Face Down During Menopause
Things You'll Need
- cold compress
- baby wipes
- dry cloth
Cooling Off From a Hot Flash
The first step is in recognizing what is happening. Hot flashes are named because they come on suddenly, increase rapidly, and then dissipate. Many doctors believe they are caused because the body thinks it is too hot, and dilates the blood vessels in the head and neck to release body heat quickly. Cooling the face and neck will help constrict the blood vessels and stop the flash. Intervention at the first sign of heat can often lessen the intensity of the flash.
At the first sign of heat take a cloth and dampen it with cold water. Place the compress on the back of your neck, holding it against the skin and over the carotid artery on the right side of your neck (where you can feel your pulse).
Once the compress becomes warm, immediately replace it with another cool compress. Hot flashes last an average of four minutes, although they can last as long as 15 minutes. Keep replacing the compresses until the flash has stopped.
Wiping the face with a cool compress or baby wipe also helps soothe the flash as the water or alcohol evaporates off the face, cooling it.