Recurring Menstrual Cycle After Intercourse
Interuterine Birth Control Device
One very convenient and easy to use method of birth control is an interuterine device, also called an IUD. According to WebMD, there are several different types of IUDs, but the general concept is that it is a device is implanted inside the uterus by a doctor, and it prevents implantation of an embryo in the uterus, thus preventing pregnancy. While this form of birth control is easy to use, it can also trigger heavy periods and spotting between periods that is heavy enough to appear to be a recurring menstrual cycle, especially after rigorous sex.
Uterine Polyps
According to Dr. D. Ashley Hill, who specializes in gynecology and obstetrics, uterine polyps can be another reason why women experience irregular spotting that can be heavy enough to appear like another menstrual cycle after intercourse. He explains that during sex, an orgasm can result in uterine spasms, which can irritate polyps that are growing in the uterine wall. While this condition is not-life threatening, recurring spotting between periods or unusual menstrual cycles should warrant a visit to the doctor for further exploration and to rule out uterine cancer and other potential problems.
According to Cure Research, one of the problems that can result in post coital bleeding is endometriosis. This is a condition in which the tissue that grows in the uterus to support growing a potential fetus begins to grow in unusually thick amounts or grows outside the uterus. Vigorous sex can stimulate the endometrial tissue to begin to bleed, even to the point where it appears to be another period after sex.
Pelvic Inflammatory Disease
Cure Research indicates that one of the common reasons for bleeding between periods and recurring periods after sex is pelvic inflammatory disease--also called PID. PID is caused by chronic pelvic infections that have gone untreated. Common symptoms include pelvic pain, pain with intercourse and spotting and bleeding. Treatment for PID includes antibiotics and anti-inflammatory medications. Very often, women do not realize they have pelvic infections, and the disease progresses quickly.
Polycystic Ovary Syndrome
According to WebMD, polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is another reason for bleeding after intercourse. In some cases, bleeding may be heavy enough to appear like a recurring period. Polycystic ovary syndrome is a condition in which the ovaries form many cysts, but do not release eggs. It is one of the primary causes of infertility in women. Common symptoms include excessive hair growth, irregular periods, heavy periods, male pattern hair loss and weight gain. Treatment includes regulating abnormal hormone levels, weight control and regulating metabolism issues.