How to Tell If You Have Developed a Hernia During Pregnancy
Check out your belly button. Does it look like it's "popped?" This happens often in pregnant women, making an "innie" into an "outie." This is the most common, and least serious of the Hernia's. Most of the time this will fix itself postpartum.
Check out your belly...any unusual lumps (other than the one caused by the baby)? If you find a lump that has never been there before, you may have a hernia. Sometimes pushing on it can cause it to go down, but if it's painful and won't budge, you may need to contact your doctor.
Constipation and pregnancy can go hand in hand, but occasionally a Hernia is to blame. If you are having trouble going to the bathroom, and when you do go it's painful, it's time to call your health-care provider. Many times, avoiding constipating foods will solve this problem.
Lift anything heavy lately? If you've felt a pulling, burning, or tearing sensation, a Hernia may be to blame.