Proven Ways to Induce Labor at Home
Try certain foods to help induce your labor at home. Most claims that food will stimulate your labor stem from wives tales, but it can't hurt to add a few of these suggestions into your diet.
Add pineapple or another tropical fruit to your diet. Pineapple contains enzymes that are thought to ripen the cervix and stimulate prostaglandins. Along with pineapple, you could try licorice. Real black licorice is also thought to stimulate prostaglandins--hormones that ripen the cervix--because of the chemical glycyrrhizin, which is naturally found in licorice. Eating large amounts of black licorice can cause diarrhea, which could also lead to uterine contractions, if your body is ready. Licorice can also be found in tablet form. (See Reference 1.)
The myth that eggplant parmesan stimulates labor actually may stem from the ingredients in the dish. Oregano and basil are thought to be herbs that may cause contractions, but it's not known how much needs to be consumed. Try adding these herbs to dishes you cook. (See Reference 2.)
You may have also heard that spicy food can help jump start labor; however, Giving Birth Naturally says that some spicy foods release capsaicins, which may be counterproductive during labor. Capsaicins counteract the body's natural pain reliever, endorphins.
Along with certain foods, supplements may also help induce labor, or at least get your body ready to give birth. A uterine tonic used by Native Americans for thousands of years, red raspberry leaf tea may help to tone your uterus and focus Braxton-Hicks contractions. In your third trimester, consider drinking at least three cups of red raspberry leaf tea a day, and even more toward the end for natural labor inducement.
Evening primrose oil (EPO) may also get your body ready for labor. Though EPO is an excellent source of prostaglandins, it won't do anything your body isn't ready to do on its own. At 36 weeks, insert two EPO capsules into your vagina daily or massage the oil onto your perineum. At 38 weeks, increase to four capsules daily. Do this before bed, and the entire capsule will dissolve while you sleep. (See Reference 2.)
A once popular method, castor oil is no longer recommended for natural labor induction. Castor oil may cause diarrheal cramps that could lead to uterine cramps; however, excess diarrhea before labor could lead to dehydration during labor. Dehydration during labor could cause more pain. (See Reference 2.)
Other Things to Try
Along with foods and supplements, sex can help induce your labor as well. Semen contains prostaglandins, which can help ripen your cervix. Also, orgasms produce oxytocin, which is the hormone that causes contractions. Nipple stimulation will also release oxytocin. For nipple stimulation to be effective, though, you must stimulate your nipples for long periods of time. The Maternity Corner recommends 15 minutes per hour of continual stimulation on each nipple for several hours. (See Reference 2.)