How to Help Swelling Feet When Pregnant
Things You'll Need
- Pillows
- Ottoman or similar
- Comfortable shoes
- Tub
- Water
- Foot-soak
Elevate your feet on a regular basis several times a day. This forces the settled fluid to circulate to other areas in your body. If you're lying down, prop your feet up with some pillows. If you're sitting, set your feet on an ottoman.
Exercise daily in order to distribute all that water weight. A healthy and non-strenuous activity is water sports or aerobics. Swimming or simply moving around in the water is a great workout and the water pressure helps move the fluid in your body.
Request a foot massage. Either ask your partner, friend or hire a professional to rub your feet for a good half hour. This increases your circulation and moves the settled water in your swollen feet.
Wear comfortable shoes. If that means a pair of flip flops, then go for it. Never squeeze your feet into a pair of shoes that feel tight and avoid shoes that cause pain, such as heels. Above all, this measure ensures more comfort.
Soak your feet in a hot tub or foot-soaking bowl to soothe the pain away. Add a little moisturizing soap or a foot soak remedy to sooth your feet more. A great home remedy is a few sprigs of mint, honey and a little oatmeal. Your feet will thank you.
Take a few moments to walk around if you work at a job that has you sitting all day long. Walking will get your blood flow circulating and will help deter all that extra pregnancy fluid from settling in your feet.
Avoid foods that are high in sodium. Salt causes your body to retain water, which will just add to the problem.