Cystitis & Menopause
Cystitis is a bladder infection caused by bacteria being pushed up through the urethra. Symptoms of cystitis are frequent urination, burning, blood in urine, pain, fever, frequent urge to urinate, or foul smelling urine.
The average age a woman goes through menopause is 51. It can take up to five years for her hormones to stop fluctuating; in particular, the female hormone estrogen begins to diminish.
The symptoms of menopause are different for each woman but commonly are cystitis, hot flashes, vaginal dryness, mood swings, and weight gain.
Female hormones keep the vagina and the bladder healthy; when those hormones decrease the vaginal and bladder walls become thinner and drier. As your hormone levels fluctuate, the pH in the vaginal area changes and you are more susceptible to bacteria.
To prevent cystitis during menopause, estrogen creams can lubricate the vagina and thicken the bladder and vaginal walls. Drink cranberry juice and take Vitamin C. Wipe from front to back, preventing bacteria from touching the urethra.