Menopause and Extreme Tiredness
As we get older, we tend to get a bit lazier and not exercise as we should. Exercise increases your heart rate, which releases endorphins, or the feel good hormones. Exercise also boosts your immune system and your energy levels.
Go Outside
If you are indoors all day, this will make you tired, according to Getting outside and into the sun boosts your immune system which will make it less likely that you'll contact an illness. The sun provides vitamin D, which we all need to keep healthy, and you will get oxygen from the outside air.
Watch the Caffeine
Many of us require a boost of caffeine in the morning to get us going; however, it you drink too much caffeine it can backfire on you and make you feel more tired than if you hadn't had any coffee. Caffeine masks your fatigue but it doesn't get rid of it. Furthermore, if you drink it late in the day, you may not be able to sleep.
Hormones and Their Effects
Hormonal imbalances or deficiencies can cause fatigue, according to A lack of estrogen means that a woman's body is no longer functioning optimally. Her blood circulation and flow may not be as good as it once was and she may be gaining weight, which can be depressing and depression can result in both mental and physical fatigue.
More on Hormones
A lack of progesterone, which is considered the "happy hormone," contributes to being tired and a loss of libido.
Smoking can lower estrogen levels even more, resulting in fatigue, so try to kick the habit since estrogen levels in menopausal women are minimal to begin with.
Being tired can be attributed to lack of sleep or poor sleep, which may occur if you are having night sweats, hot flashes and are stressed. Insomnia is linked to a decrease in estrogen as well as to a decrease in testosterone. Testosterone, the male hormone, which women also have, is responsible for making women feel energized.