Natural Remedy for Abnormal Uterine Bleeding
Mainstream Medical Treatment
Among mainstream medical doctors, many causes of abnormal uterine bleeding are addressed with the same treatment: a prescription for birth control pills. Birth control pills may be effective in controlling and regulating your menstrual cycle, leading to fewer episodes of between-period bleeding and lighter, shorter periods. However, if you are concerned about the potential side effects of birth control pills, you may want to seek out natural remedies instead.
Progesterone Cream
One natural remedy you may use to treat various menstrual issues, including abnormal bleeding, is natural progesterone cream. Apply natural progesterone cream to your upper arms and chest twice daily during the two weeks before you expect your period. Many users find that a dosage of 1/4 to 1/2 of a teaspoon twice a day helps to prevent abnormal uterine bleeding. The treatment may also lighten and shorten your normal period and provide relief from premenstrual symptoms.
Chaste Tree Berry or Vitex
The most commonly recommended herbal treatment for abnormal uterine bleeding is Vitex agnus-castus, or chaste tree berry. Vitex is believed to help elevate progesterone levels and regulate the menstrual cycle, preventing abnormal bleeding. You can take vitex orally in capsule form; teas designed to deliver herbal relief for women's health issues often contain vitex as well.
Ayurvedic Options
Ayurvedic practitioners recommend ashoka (Saraca indica), a preparation of the ground bark of the ashoka tree. According to proponents, ashoka stimulates the action of the uterus and ovaries, causing them to better regulate themselves. You can find ashoka capsules online and through Ayurvedic health practitioners.