Hot Flashes Before Menopause
What Causes Hot Flashes?
According to Power, hot flashes are caused by fluctuations in hormones. These fluctuations cause your blood vessels to expand and then contract unpredictably.
Do all Women Have Hot Flashes?
About 85 percent of women in the U.S. experience hot flashes during perimenopause, according to Breast
How to Treat Hot Flashes Yourself
Project Aware says you can treat hot flashes by yourself if your symptoms are mild. Regular exercise can help, as can avoiding consuming "trigger" foods such as spicy, acidic or sugary foods, and hot drinks and caffeine. Using herbal supplements such as dong quai, chasteberry and black cohosh can help relieve hot flashes.
How Your Doctor Can Help
If your hot flashes are severe, your doctor may help by prescribing hormone replacement therapy to even out your hormonal fluctuations.
Other Signs of Perimenopause
Along with hot flashes, signs of perimenopause include moodiness, worsening of PMS, fatigue, decreased libido, irregular periods, vaginal dryness, urinary leakage and sleep difficulties.