What Are the Side Effects of Periods?
Time Frame
The average woman gets her period once every 28 days; a cycle of from 23 to 33 days is considered to be normal. The average woman starts her period between the ages of 12 and 14, with menopause occurring from ages 45 to 55.
A woman's menstrual period functions to flush the reproductive system of a woman in the event that the egg she ovulated was not fertilized. This leads to vaginal bleeding for five to seven days.
Many women have side effects during their period, including cramping, lower back pain, mood swings and bloating. Most can be remedied by over-the-counter analgesics and a hot water bottle.
Menstrual periods have been characterized in movies and books as times when a once normal woman is overtaken by mood swings so violent that she is barely recognizable. Most times, a woman is merely affected by hormone fluctuations that cause some tears and mild depression.
Expert Insight
If the side effects of a woman's period are too much to handle and affect her everyday life, she should consult a gynecologist. Prescriptions such as birth control pills and antidepressants can help to alleviate symptoms.