Reasons for Frequent Urination When Trying to Conceive
A comprehensive medical history is a tool doctors use to make a differential diagnosis of a problem. The simplest explanation is that frequent sexual relations has caused irritation of the meatal sphincter, which urine passes through. An inflammatory response in these tissues might cause the feeling of needing to urinate, even if urination has just taken place.
Frequent sex also contributes to the possibility that bacteria, most often from the anus, has been introduced and an infection in the urinary tract is causing uncomfortable symptoms. If so, there will be cloudy urine; a burning sensation while urinating; and the condition can progress within a few days to abdominal pain and backache. Without treatment the infection can travel from the bladder to the kidneys. Drinking large amounts of fluids and prescribed antibiotics are usually necessary, although some herbal and vitamin remedies have good results if the condition is detected and treated early.
Other Infections
Severe yeast infection, or candida, may cause urinary frequency. Symptoms of pain, redness, and itching along with a white discharge are usually obvious but a doctor can take a culture to determine the presence of candida. Over-the-counter creams are effective for superficial infections; oral medication may be necessary to eradicate candida from the urinary tract. Supplemental probiotics and following a diet low in sugar (including sweet fruits) and starch may be necessary to obtain lasting relief.
Fibroid Tumors
Noncancerous growths in the uterus, or fibroid tumors, usually cause no problems and do not require treatment. Those that grow in the inner cavity of the uterus, or submucosa, may cause heavy menstrual bleeding and can affect fertility. Subserosal fibroids project to the outside of the uterus and may press on the bladder, causing frequent urination or retention. Consult a physician for evaluation and treatment of this condition.
Clomiphine citrate, generic for Clomid, Serophene or Milophene, is a fertility medication taken by women to trigger ovulation. While urinary frequency is a rare side effect of this drug, it does occur in less than 1 percent of women taking Clomid.
Some medicines prescribed to lower blood pressure, such as Lasix or Hydrochlorothiazide, work by increasing urinary output. This effect is expected and not considered a side effect. They are usually taken in the morning to prevent interruption of sleep.
The endometrium, or lining of the uterus, can be implanted in other parts of the body, causing a painful condition known as endometriosis. The cause of endometriosis is not known, but it may run in families. Each cycle stimulates these renegade implants to grow. Endometriosis may occur on the ovaries, pelvic lining and bladder or in the bowel and rectum. Over time, scarring and adhesion of fallopian tubes may make conception difficult. Involvement of the bladder or urinary tract by endometriosis may cause symptoms such as hypertension, burning or bloody urine, and urinary frequency. The use of oral contraceptives can mask this condition; it may flare up when women stop taking the pill and try to conceive.