Help When Discontinuing Birth Control
Support Healthy Moods
Hormone fluctuations after birth control is discontinued can alter brain chemistry so that it becomes very difficult to cope with life. Amino acid supplements, such as Gamma-amino-butyric-acid (GABA), control anxiety and restlessness by increasing serotonin levels. Melatonin is important for regulating hormone levels and improves sleep. S-adenosylmethionine (SAMe) aids in prevention of depression. L-Tyrosine reduces tension, anxiety and headaches.
Exercise helps to stabilize hormone levels; even as little as walking half a mile a day will improve mood. Avoid caffeine because it is a central nervous stimulant that can increase anxiety. Alcohol causes the depletion of magnesium and other valuable electrolytes in the urine.
A diet of whole foods rich in plant fiber and high-quality proteins such as wild caught coldwater fish, tofu, yogurt or kefir, spirulina, quinoa, brown rice, lentils and walnuts will ensure that low blood sugar does not contribute to mood swings. Small frequent meals are best. Eat plenty of dark green leafy vegetables such as fresh spinach, parsley and kale along with other vegetables--red bell pepper, squash, celery, broccoli and green beans. Eat less red meat and dairy products to improve the body's ability to handle stress. The amino acid L-glutamine can help reduce food cravings.
Treat Deficiencies
Plant-based progesterone contained in wild yam and soy foods can alleviate cramps, headache, mood swings, depression, irritability and insomnia. Vitamins depleted by birth control can be replaced with a high-potency B complex, with an added sublingual B-12 supplement for better absorption of that nutrient for increased energy. Vitamin C with bioflavonoids boosts immunity when the body is run down and vitamin E is an antioxidant that relieves tension, irritability and depression. A d-alpha-tocopherol form should be used. Calcium, magnesium and vitamin D work together; deficiencies are associated with birth control use and premenstrual syndrome symptoms.
Herbal Help
Herbs that lessen cramps and bleeding are dong quai, black cohosh, cramp bark and black haw. Red raspberry leaf and nettles are rich in calcium and other minerals; both are tonics that balance hormones and tone the uterus when taken regularly as strong teas. Peppermint, strawberry leaf and valerian root help to stabilize moods and soothe the nerves. Cornsilk, dandelion and hawthorne are safe and nutritious diuretics for relief of bloating and weight gain.
Depression when coming off of birth control can sometimes be severe. Seek immediate help if experiencing thoughts of harming yourself or others.