Body Parts of a Woman
The genitalia are the outer part of the reproductive system. They serve to protect the inside organs from infection. It consists of the labia, glands and clitoris.
The vagina is the section of the reproductive system that connects the cervix to the outside of the body. It is also a part of the genitalia and is called the birth canal.
Uterus (Womb)
The uterus (womb) is a pear-shaped organ where the baby grows. It has two parts; the cervix, which is the bottom, and the corpus, which is the main part.
The cervix is the bottom of the uterus and is also the top of the vagina.
Women have two ovaries, one on each side of the uterus. The ovaries are where the hormones and eggs are produced in a female. The eggs are released once a month.
Fallopian Tubes
The fallopian tubes flow from the ovaries to the uterus. The eggs travel through theses tubes to get to the uterus.