Can I Get Pregnant If I Have Secondary Amenorrhea?

Two percent of U.S. women will suffer from secondary amenorrhea during their lifetime. This is a condition in which there are missed menstrual periods, without a pregnancy or other common cause such as stress. Women suffering from secondary amenorrhea find it more difficult but not impossible to become pregnant.
  1. Is pregnancy possible?

    • Secondary amenorrhea does not cause infertility in woman, unless a loss of period has been evident without treatment for many months or even years. In 85 percent of cases, a simple change in diet or lifestyle might bring hormones back in balance, allowing for a healthy, easy pregnancy.

    Pregnancy, continued

    • When lifestyle changes don't work, hormone replacements might be prescribed. Untreated secondary amenorrhea can make it more difficult to get pregnant, and it can lead to osteoporosis.


    • If you haven't had your period for a few months and aren't pregnant, it's important to see a doctor. Unless it is treated, secondary amenorrhea can have unpleasant side effects, and it will make pregnancy later in life very difficult to achieve.

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