Does Soy Make Estrogen?
Soy is a type of protein derived from soybeans that can be made into a powder, used in foods and dairy alternatives and processed into dietary supplements.
Soy contains isoflavones, which your body converts to phytoestrogens, a chemical that is similar in composition to estrogen.
Phytoestrogens produced by soy interact with receptors in your body meant to respond to estrogen. Because of this, many women find relief from the symptoms of menopause as phytoestrogens act as a substitute for natural estrogen, according to RxList.
Breast Cancer
Controversy surrounds the use of soy in women who have previously suffered breast cancer as there is a belief that the phytoestrogens produced from soy may cause the recurrence of tumors that grow in response to elevated estrogen levels. There are other doctors who believe that phytoestrogens prevent the recurrence of breast cancer by blocking the estrogen receptors from receiving actual estrogen, which has much stronger effects on tumors than the soy-produced phytoestrogens, according to the American Cancer Society.
Even though soy does not produce actual estrogen, women with a history of breast cancer should consult their doctors before consuming soy products, according to